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Camping Chalets Résidentiels SAINT JAMES LES PINS
de details van uw reservering
Mobile-home résidentiel 3 chambres
Mobile-home résidentiel 3 chambres
6 Pers. inbegrepen / 6 Pers. max.
962 route des campings, 05600 GUILLESTRE
Aankomst : 03/05/2025

Vertrek : 10/05/2025
samenvatting van het bedrag : 420,00 €
  • Bedrag van het verblijf420,00 €
  • Reserveringskosten0,00 €
  • Options0,00 €
  • Verpakte aanbiedingen0,00 €
  • Verzekering annulering0,00 €
  • Totaal bedrag420,00 €
  • Borg126,00 €
  • Evenwicht294,00 €
uw opties invoeren
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Prijzen per eenheid
Lakenpakket tweepersoonsbed
15,00 €
Lakenpakket éénpersoonsbed
15,00 €
50,00 €
Huur televisie
30,00 €
Algemene verkoopsvoorwaarden
Lees de algemene verkoopsvoorwaarden
A deposit of 35 euros is required for the reservation of a campsite. In case of cancellation of stay by the tenant, the deposit is not refunded.

2. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS To be allowed to penetrate, to settle, and remain on a campsite, it is necessary y to be authorized by the manager or his representative. It has as an obligation to take care of the good behaviour and the good order of the campsite like to the respect of the application of this rules of procedure. The fact of remaining on the campsite of JAMES SAINT the PINES implies the acceptance of the provisions of this payment and the commitment to conform to it.
3. FORMALITIES OF POLICE FORCE Any person having to remain at least a night in the camp must as a preliminary present at the manager or her representative her parts D ' identity and fill the formalities required by the police force. The minors not accompanied by their parents will not be allowed that with an authorization written of those.
4. INSTALLATION the tent or the caravan and all the material must be installed with the site indicated by the manager or his representative.
5. RECEPTION OFFICE Open of 9h00 to 12h00 and 14h00 to 19h00 One will find at the Reception Office all the information on the services of the camp, information on the possibilities of supply, the installations sporting, the tourist richnesses of the surroundings and various addresses which can prove to be useful.
6. ROYALTIES the royalties are paid at the Reception Office. Their amount is the subject of one posting to the entry of the ground and the Reception Office. They are due according to the number of nights spent on the ground. The users of the camp are invited to prevent the Reception Office of their departure as of the day before of this one. The campers intending to leave before the opening hour the Reception Office must carry out the day before the payment of their royalties.
7. NOISE AND SILENCE the users of the camp are requested to avoid all noises and discussions which could obstruct their neighbors. The sound apparatuses must be regulated consequently. Closings of doors and trunks must be as discrete as possible. Silence must be total enters 22 hours and 7 hours. 7. VISITORS to be authorized by the manager or his representative, the visitors can be allowed in the camp under the responsibility for the campers who receive them. The camper can receive visitors with the reception. If these visitors are allowed to penetrate in the campsite, the camper who receives them can be held to discharge a royalty insofar as the visitor has access to the services and/or installations of the campsite. This royalty is the subject of one posting to the entry of the campsite and the office D ' reception. The cars of the visitors are prohibited in the campsite.
8. The ANIMALS a royalty will be perceived for the domestic animals. The dogs and other animals will be imperatively held attached. They should not be left with the camp, even locked up, in the absence of their Masters who of it are civilly responsible. The walks of hygiene are done apart from the camp.
9. CIRCULATION AND PARKING OF VEHICULES A the interior of the camp the vehicles must roll at limiting 10 km/heure. Circulation is prohibited enters 22 hours and 7 hours. Parking with the carpark between these hours. In the camp only the vehicles can circulate which belong to the campers remaining there. The parking should not block circulation nor to prevent the installation of newcomers.
10. BEHAVIOUR AND ASPECT OF the INSTALLATIONS Each one is held to abstain from any action which could harm cleanliness, the hygiene and the aspect of the its installation and campsite, in particular medical. It is interdict to throw the water polluted on the ground or in the gutters. The caravaneers must obligatorily empty their water used in the installations envisaged for this purpose. The household refuse, waste of any nature, papers must be deposited in the dustbins. Washing is strictly interdict apart from the vats envisaged with this use. The spreading of the linen will be tolerated up to 10 a.m. near the shelters, in the condition that it is very discrete and does not obstruct the neighbors. it will have never to be made starting from the trees. The floral plantations and decorations must be respected. it is interdict with the camper to plant nails in the trees, to cut branches. It is not allowed either to delimit the site of an installation by average personnel nor to dig the ground. Any degradation made with the vegetation, the fences, the ground or the installations of the camp will be the responsibility of its author. The site which will have been used during the stay will have to be maintained in the state in which the camper found with his arrival in the places.
11 SAFETY A) Sets fire to open fires (wood, coal, etc.) are rigorously prohibited. The stoves must be maintained in good operating condition and not to be used under dangerous conditions. In the event of fire, to warn the direction immediately. The extinguishers are usable in the event of need. A case of help of first urgency is at the Reception Office.
B) Flight the direction is responsible for the objects deposited at the office and has a general obligation of monitoring of the campsite. The camper keeps the responsibility for his own installation and must announce to the person in charge the presence for any suspect person. Although guarding is assured, the users of the camp are invited to take the usual precautions for the safeguard of their material.
12 PLAYS an adventure playground is put has the provision of the campers. The children will have to always be under the monitoring of their parents. No violent or awkward play can be organized near the installations. The conference room cannot be used for the animated plays.
14 POSTING this rules of procedure is posted with the entry of the campsite and the Reception Office. It is given to the customer with his request.
15 INFRINGEMENT WITH the RULES OF PROCEDURE If a resident would disturb the stay of the other users or would not respect the provisions of this rules of procedure, the manager or its representative will be able orally or written if it judges necessary, to put in residence this last to cease the disorders. In the event of grave offence or repeated with the rules of procedure and after setting in residence by the manager to conform to it, this one will be able to terminate the contract. In the event of penal infringement, the manager will be able to call upon the police force.

For the hirings of country cottage or mobile-home

DURATION OF the HIRING the tenant will be able in no circumstance to prevail himself of an unspecified right to the maintenance in the places with the exit of the stay.

CAPACITY If the number of tenants exceeds the capacity of reception, the owner can refuse the additional people or ask for a supplement.

The HIRING OF the COUNTRY COTTAGE OR MOBILE-HOME the hiring includes/understands the supply of the covers, thwarts or pillows, of the crockery and the kitchen ustensils. The household linen and cloths are not provided and can be rented.

PAYMENT OF the BALANCE FOR the COUNTRY COTTAGES AND MOBILE-HOMES the payment of the balance intervenes with the handing-over of the keys. The hiring concluded between the parts with the present act cannot in no case to profit even partially with thirds, persons or entities except written agreement of the owner. Any infringement with this clause would be likely to involve the immediate cancellation of the hiring to the wrongs of the tenant, the product of the hiring remaining definitively sure with the owner.

CANCELLATION BY the TENANT Any cancellation must be notified by mail with the owner. Cancellation before the arrival in the places: the stay is to pay,. Will not be carried out to any refunding.

CANCELLATION BY the OWNER the owner transfers with the tenant the double of the amount of the boxed sums. ARRIVEE The hirings of country cottage and mobile-home are made Saturday at Saturday, the time of departure is 10. 00 and the hour of arrival 15. 00.

ANIMALS They must be held leaves some and their walk of hygiene is done apart from the enclosed ground. The notebook of vaccination must be presented.

INVENTORY OF FIXTURES OF the COUNTRY COTTAGE OR MOBILE-HOME an inventory is established jointly and signed by the tenant and the owner or his representative with the arrival and the beginning of the country cottage. This inventory constitutes the only reference in the event of litigation concerning the inventory of fixtures. The state of cleanliness of the country cottage to the arrival of the tenant will have to be noted in the inventory of fixtures. The cleaning of the buildings is the responsibility of the tenant for the period of hiring and before its departure. In the event of noncleaning, or of approximate cleaning, a fixed price of 30 euros will be required.

DEPOSIT At the arrival of the tenant, a deposit of 200 euros is required by the owner. After the contradictory establishment of the inventory of fixtures of exit, this deposit is restored, deduction made of the cost of repairing of the places if degradations were noted. In the event of anticipated departure (former to the hour mentioned on the descriptive card) preventing the establishment of the inventory of fixtures the very same day of the departure of the tenant, the deposit is returned by the owner within a time not exceeding a week.

USE OF the PLACES the tenant will have to ensure the peaceful character of the hiring and to make of it use in accordance with the destination of the places.

INSURANCES The tenant is responsible for all the damage occurring of his fact. It is invited to subscribe a contract of standard insurance holiday for these various risks. The insurance cancellation is not included/understood in the price of the hiring and is not delivered by our care.