Vacances pour Tous acts as an intermediary between the member and transport companies, hoteliers and other service providers. It declines all responsibility for program and transport modifications due to force majeure: strike action, timetable changes imposed by rail, maritime, air or road carriers, political unrest occurring in host countries, natural disasters. Vacances pour tous is the direct contact for all its participants.
The implementation of the stays proposed in this brochure requires the intervention of different organizations: owners, building managers, hoteliers, restaurateurs, etc. The latter will in any case retain the responsibilities specific to their activity under the terms of the statutes which govern them, their national legislation or international conventions establishing, among other provisions, a limitation of responsibilities.
Any interrupted or shortened stay or any service not consumed by the participant, for whatever reason, will not give rise to any refund. The participant must draw attention to any determining element of his choice, to any particularity concerning him likely to affect the progress of the trip or stay. The organizer reminds to this effect that it refuses the registration for any of its stays of a participant, whatever their age, affected by a specific physical or mental pathology, which could disrupt or prevent the smooth running of the event. stay concerned, both for the participant himself and for other participants registered for the same stay. The responsibility of the participant, or his legal representative as necessary, will be incurred in the event of concealment from the organizer of such a pre-existing severe pathological condition which is unsuitable for the participant's registration and therefore his participation in a stay. Faced with such a situation, the organizer may, upon becoming aware of the facts, refuse departure or proceed with repatriation during the course of the stay at the expense of
of the participant. The organizer also reminds that it is not able to guarantee the participant the benefit of a particular diet.
Any complaint relating to a trip or stay must be sent within three months after the end of the stay by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to Vacances pour tous - Quality Office – 26-32 Avenue Sadi-Carnot, BP 133 - 26001 VALENCIA cedex.
After this period, postmarked as proof, Vacances pour tous reserves the right not to respond to a complaint relating to a trip or stay.
All our prices are expressed in euros. They are given for purely indicative purposes and may be subject to upward or downward variation. Only the prices indicated during final registration and therefore appearing on the registration invoice/confirmation given to any participant upon registration will be firm and final with the exception of the special cases specified below. These final prices are the reference for all problems relating to modification or cancellation of a stay.
All of the proposals contained in this brochure are made within the limit of available places on sale, taking into account all the production and marketing constraints that the organizer is subject to, which may result in the partial or total, temporary or permanent disappearance, places put on sale.
For registration to be taken into account, you must attach a deposit of an amount equal to 30% of the total price of the chosen stay. The balance must be paid, at the latest and without reminder from us, one month before the start of the stay. If you book less than one month before the start of the stay, include the full payment for the stay. Holiday vouchers from family allowance funds can only be used to pay the balance of your stay. Under no circumstances can they be used for payment of the deposit.
In the absence of payment for all or part of the trip, or cancellation fees, one month before departure, the participant is liable, automatically and without formal notice being required, for late payment interest. on the amount still due, calculated at the rate of 1.25% per month of delay from the date on which payment was due until the day of total payment, increased by a sum of 15% on the amount still due , with a minimum of €50, as lump sum compensation for the additional costs and efforts that must be made to obtain payment. Late or incomplete payment also entitles Vacances pour tous to cancel the trip and charge the resulting cancellation costs in accordance with the general conditions of sale.
If you have to cancel your reservation, please let us know by registered letter, the post date serving as a reference and as proof for calculating the cancellation fees.
The cancellation of a registration by the participant will result in the collection of cancellation fees per registration file according to the scale below: more than 30 days before departure: withholding of only the administrative costs of managing a file registration: €85 per person or €120 per family; between 30 and 21 days before departure: 30% of the total price; between 20 and 15 days before departure: 60% of the total price; between 14 and 8 days before departure: 80% of the total price; less than 8 days before departure or no-show: 100% of the total price. Any shortened stay as well as any service voluntarily abandoned by a participant will result in the collection of cancellation fees of 100% of the price of the shortened or abandoned stay.
Attention ! A stay is considered paid when the corresponding financial balance is recorded COLLECTED by our accounts. However, it may take several days between the sending of your balance and its actual receipt.
So don't wait until the last minute to pay for your stay! You would take the risk of receiving reminders, which is never pleasant and which we do not want.
Attention ! Balance checks (made payable to the Education League) must be sent to the following address: Vacances pour tous- BP 133, 26001 VALENCE CEDEX.
By the participant: any modification to a given registration results in the collection of €85 per person(1) or €120 per family(1) for the fixed administrative costs of managing the modification file. If it is requested less than 30 days(2) before the start date of the stay, it will be considered as a CANCELLATION followed by re-registration and the charges provided for cancellation will then be applied.
(1) €145/person for the specific case of trips/stays with transport by plane from France.
(2) 60 days for the specific case of trips/stays with transport by plane from France.
Due to Vacances pour tous: in the event that the trip or stay is canceled by Vacances pour tous, the member
will receive compensation equal to the penalty he would have incurred if the cancellation had occurred on his behalf on that date, except when the cancellation is imposed by circumstances of force majeure, or by the safety of travelers or for reasons insufficient number of participants. When, before departure, the trip or stay is modified by Vacances pour tous, on essential elements, the member can within 7 days, after having been informed, either end their reservation, under the conditions provided for above, or agree to participate in the modified trip or stay, an amendment to the contract will then be presented upon signature, specifying the modifications made and the reduction or increase in the price that these entail.
10. BAGGAGE It is transported at the risk of its owner.
Animals (dogs and cats) are allowed on the campsite. In all cases, first category dogs (attack dogs) and second category dogs (guard and defense dogs) are not accepted.
We remind our members of the possibility they have of exercising their right of access under the conditions provided for by law No. 78/17 of 06/01/1978, relating to computing, files and freedoms.
Cancellation guarantee is not included in our packages. To benefit from this coverage, you can take out an optional cancellation guarantee.